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Breathe. God’s Got It All Under Control

Posted by AbigailDara on
Breathe. God’s Got It All Under Control

Hi guys! I’m back after a rather long break… Whoops. 😀 Anyway, I have two things on the agenda for this post:

  1. Tell people my startlingly amazing news (if they haven’t heard it already) and
  2. Share a really cool truth I stumbled upon while writing a letter.

Okay, so I probably totally got you wondering what my “startlingly amazing news” is.

For those of you who don’t know our story, either go read my first post (here) or be content with my brief explanation. On July 1st, 2018, my family officially joined Wycliffe Bible Translators as missionaries. We have a whole crazy story leading to that point that my dad loves to tell (which I believe is on my parents’ blog here). Through a variety of crazy events in the past almost three years, we are finally getting ready to board a plane to the Solomon Islands on the 14th of March. We will be stopping in Manila, Philipines first. Last-minute packing has been stressful for my parents, so please pray for guidance and peace for them in the next couple of days.

But now, without further ado, the very cool truth I just stumbled upon.

The featured picture at the top of my blog (courtesy of YouVersion) is quoted from Jeremiah 29

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

From the beginning of time, God made a plan, just for you. From where you would take your first breath, to where you would take your last one, and every single one in between, they have all been in line with God’s ultimate plan for your life. We know that this plan is for the ultimate good of us because of what Paul says in Romans 8

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28 ESV

And that’s saying something! I looked up how many breaths an average person takes in an average life span, and this is what I got:

1 complete breathing cycle = 3 seconds
20 breaths/minute x 60 minutes = 1200 breaths/hour
1200 breaths/hour x 24 hours = 28,800 breaths/day
28,800 breaths/day x 365.25 days/year = 10,519,200 breaths per year

And, since WHO (World Health Organization) says that the average global life span is 71.4 years, that’s


Copied from a Quora answer

And Guess What…

God especially planned each and everyone, just for you.

I hope that brings you encouragement today!

<3 Abigail


The Inspiring Bloggers Tag

Posted by AbigailDara on

So recently I got nominated for this award thing by Amy’s Musica! Thanks Amy! You are very fun and spunky! I really enjoy reading your blog!

Anyway, I don’t really know how these award things work, so bear 🐻 with me! 😉 I might be copy a couple things though… 😁

Ze Rules!!

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Include the logo in your post
  • Answer the questions asked
  • Nominate bloggers who inspire you
  • Ask them five questions

Fairly straightforward. Shall we begin?

Ze Questions!!!!!!

(Just gonna admit real quick, I LOVVVVE answering questions people ask me)

  1. How would your perfect day go? Hmm… good question… I probably would get to sleep in, eat coffee for breakfast (yes I would do that ☕️), then hang out at a water park or beach with my peeps for the rest of the day with a picnic and other fun stuff. ❤️ #Beachbabe
  2. Who is someone who inspires you a lot? That’s an obvious answer… MY MOM! My mom is great y’all! Kind, considerate, loving and compassionate, she is Super Woman! She not only cooks and manages to keep the house clean with 5 insane kids in it, she also has taken on for 11 years the significant task of homeschooling the above mentioned 5 kids, 2 of which are high schoolers. Wow. 😳🤩😱🤯😮😲😯🙀 How talented can you get?
  3. What are three things you like and love about yourself? Oh Gosh, you had to ask that! I struggle with not thinking very good of myself… I kind of like my hair… until we cut it… I like my fingernails, however weird that may seem, andddddddd….. I like the color of my eyes. There! I did it! Moving on!
  4. In which movie would you have liked to be a character in? Which character? (Example: Jasmine from Aladdin) Ooh!! I would have to say Belle from Beauty and the Beast (Live action) or Moana. Maybe Ursula… So many possibilities! I love acting too!
  5. If you could eat one last meal before you died, what would the meal be? That’s a hard one. I would probably pick something Italian like noodles… 😋I LOVE PASTA!! 🍝❤️

Thanks for nominating me again Amy! That was a lot of fun! I think I nominate two people, if I’m allowed to do that… My Mom and my little brother, Andrew!

My Mom has a really awesome blog about our missionary journey and she makes it a lot of fun to read with lots of pictures and funny stories.

Andrew has a cute little blog where he posts all the neat drawings he makes and their crazy stories.

And now…

Ze Nomineez Questions!!:

  • What is one thing you could do all day?
  • What is your favorite book?
  • If you could reorganize your room, would you? What would you do?
  • What is your favorite worship song?
  • Do you pick your boogers? 😈

I know, I’m terrible, aren’t I? 😁😉😈

Enjoy peoplez!!! That was a lot of fun!

<3 Abigail


Catching up…

Posted by AbigailDara on

Hey guys! Man, I haven’t written in forever, I have like a hundred drafts that I never went back and revisited so that I could post them. But! This time I will post this, along with the answers to a couple questions I have been asked, via the comments on the previous post.

Well, I thought I was going to get a bunch of pictures… but due to technical difficulties, I will have to forgo the pics.

Anyway, we’ve been doing a lot of stuff. In the midst of it all somewhere, the Gosherts caught COVID! We had a ball and did many things in quarantine including COVID Olympics, a laser maze, and chilling. Also, as a recap, Andrew and I celebrated our birthdays, and we moved to JAARS, which has a PLAYGROUND!!!! How exciting right? God really does work in amazing ways. It has been a lot of fun getting to know new people in the surrounding apartments and at the two youth

Now! For ze questions!

Q1: How did you come up with your tag line?

A1: My dad helped me with the tag line… mostly his ingenuity. He’s pretty awesome!

Q2: Do you like Keeper of the Lost Cities?

A2: I have read Keeper of the Lost Cities, like it? A whole other thing. Sure, the first couple of books were AMAZING!! But these recent few books? Bleh. IT’S ALL ABOUT ROMANCE AND FITZ IS ACTING LIKE A JERK!!! Wah.

Q3: Are you excited for Christmas?

A3: Yes! Girl, I am excited year-round! I sing Christmas carols in every season, and start making presents for people in the middle of summer. I am always excited for Christmas.


Sadly, that was all the questions. But never fear! I will ask myself some questions! 😉

Ze Questions!:

  • What do you like to do with your spare time?
  • What would you change your name to?
  • What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  • Do you speak any other languages?
  • Where would you like to visit
  • What pet would you love to have?
  • Do you like pickles?

Ze Answers!:

  • In my spare time I like to do a variety of things, including cross stitch, playing my ukulele, reading, and hanging out with my friends.
  • If I could change my name, I would probably choose Kayla Whittear. Don’t ask where it came from, I just think it’s cool.
  • My biggest pet peeve is when someone comes into a room where the door is shut, and then leaves the room and forgets to shut the door.
  • Yo soy estudio espanol. (I am studying Spanish)
  • I would love to visit Paris for some reason. I don’t really know why. That or that place in Italy with the pastel houses. <3
  • I would love to have a little golden retriever puppy!!!! <3 Awe!!
  • Yes, I LOVE pickles. They are soooo yummy!!!

That’s it people! If you want to comment, the only reason you cant see it is because I have to approve all comments.

Thanks for reading! I love reading your guys’ comments!

<3 Abigail


Q&A Coming Up!

Posted by AbigailDara on

Hey guys! Due to a couple of technical difficulties, I have not been able to put any new posts on my blog, which means that you have not heard from me in a while. To make up for that, You guys can ask in the comments questions about what I’ve been doing, along with ideas about what you want me to post about next (which would be really helpful actually).

Anyway, let the questioning begin!


Speed… Hump?

Posted by AbigailDara on

You know you’re at JAARS when you see the old familiar speed “hump”

Right now we are staying at JAARS! For those of you who don’t know what that is, I don’t know what the acronym stands for, but I know that it’s some sort of Aviation place, that also hosts a training for missionaries, including one called ICC. Last year we came here for ICC, but now we are just hanging out here waiting for the Solomon Islands borders to open up again.

Nothing quite says “welcome back to JAARS Gosherts like this sign

Waiting here is kind of what got me thinking about “speed humps.” Sometimes it’s hard to just sit here waiting until we can go. It feels like we have hit a speed “hump” and we aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon! But through this all, God still has a plan, he always has a plan!

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Renew our strength! Yes! That is what God has planned for us! He will renew us in his timing and when he does, we’ll be revving to go!

One other thing, I once heard a sermon about this kind of topic. And at one point the pastor said “for every sticking point, God gives you a stick!” How fun is that? God gives the tools we need to do whatever his will requires of us, and sometimes he just requires us. Sometimes he just wants us to be with him. And sometimes, the speed humps can be quite restful, if you just stop trying to jump those humps!

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:6-7‬ ‭ESV


Great News

Posted by AbigailDara on

I don’t know how many of you know this, but my family has been preparing to go overseas with Wycliffe Bible Translators to the Solomon Islands. Wycliffe requires us to find enough financial partners to meet a ministry budget they deem necessary. As of yesterday, after 20 months, we are now 100% funded!!!!!

How exciting!! God has been so very faithful to us! He is so good! We are all very excited to be heading to North Carolina for some training. Praise God!


Random stuff from the Goshert house

Posted by AbigailDara on

You know you have the world’s funniest brother when you hear this playacting from the other room where he is providing creative content for your two younger siblings

[Singing poorly and in a high pitch] “Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!”

[In a lower, somber, and authoritative tone] “Sir, you are under arrest for singing 5 octaves too high.”

If this made you smile today comment #somesunshineforyourday

You’re welcome 😉😂


Coming Soon, Music Monday!

Posted by AbigailDara on

Okay, here is how this is going to work. I will record myself playing a song on my ukulele, and then post it on this blog with the hashtag #musicmonday. It will be your job to guess in the comments what song it is. Don’t worry, these will be common songs.


  1. No looking the song up or getting Siri to try to guess.
  2. Be a good sport if someone guesses it before you do. 🙂
  3. Enjoy!!

Of course these will only be on Mondays, hence the hashtag. 🙂